13 Juni 2008


Now i feel sorry,

And i feel worry.

Became a jerk,

is better than 'useless' at all.

Jerk, is the real titel.

But useless, is more than a totally loser.


Everybody expect me more than i could expect for myself.

"what you see won't show you reality", like someone's quotes.

It was really true, tho.

They looked at me like i never touched by weakness.

Ha ha.

I am now, and a fragile-thing had successfully grown up in my soul.

Maybe it's better for me to came up, then showed up,

this tired face, tired soul, tired mind, tired heart.

And became useless,

complete me this night.

I am really sorry,

you deserved better.


2 komentar:

  1. tania, don't blame your self. okay !

  2. who deserved better ?!
    ga ada taaaaaaan !
    ayo laaah .. keluarin si pikiran" yang kaya gitu dati otakmu sayaaang ! sebel ah dengernya .. sebel !

    jangan lah bermuram durjaaa .. ada aku disiniii .. ahahaa ..
    ato klik nama-ku diatas , dan kau akan ceria kembali ! wahahhaa .. *emang iya ?*
